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7 result(s) found for Infinity
Document Name Type Item No.
Clemson University Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000178
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Social interaction and collaboration were at the root of the design for the Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business at Clemson University.

Owens Corning Headquarters Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000166
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A few years ago, Owens Corning realized its 20-year-old headquarters building was great - but it really wasn't great for the next 25 years.

Northwestern Mutual Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000159
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The end result of the co-create process integral to Infinity from KI was an environment ideal for collaboration and innovation.

Portage High School Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000149
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When the open classroom proves to be more distraction than collaboration, a better solution must be sought.

Large Software Developer Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000139
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KI furniture supported mobility, easy reconfiguration, height-adjustable surfaces and green materials with customized and aesthetically pleasing solutions.

E-Commerce Company Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000092
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Interior Architects leveraged KI Infinity process to modify existing KI products to fit the company’s desire for reconfigurability and sustainability.

Wisconsin Institute of Discovery Case Study
Case Studies KI-CS-000115
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Through the Infinity process, KI helped WID achieve a high-end casegoods look with the benefits of a reconfigurable modular system.

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