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A Shared Dedication

From administering care, to welcoming new babies, to helping patients live fuller, healthier lives, healthcare delivery in all its forms is a remarkable mission. Every day, healthcare workers provide medical care and promote health and wellness while addressing the other realities of healthcare – the demands of changing demographics, increased consumer expectations, heightened environmental concerns and emergent technology.

Today’s healthcare facilities are designed to include environments for holistic health. KI provides solutions to support the overall well-being of an organization’s staff, patients, and their families.

- Jonathan Webb, healthcare market leader, KI

What's New In Healthcare Design

Review the following content for our latest insights, research and solutions for healthcare design.


Healthcare Resources


The KI blog features insights on current trends and design perspectives from various thought leaders. View the latest posts regarding healthcare environments.

Case Studies 

Find inspiration and information in our most recent healthcare case studies. Read the story, view and download images, or share with a colleague or client.

White Papers 

From infection control to bariatric design to color and healing, these research-based white papers provide valuable insights on signficant trends in the healthcare industry.

Healthy Hospitals Initiative 

The furniture and fabrics listed within this document comply with the criteria outlined in the Healthier Hospitals Healthy Interiors challenge according to KI and Pallas Textiles.

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