As the Vice President of Design and Development at KI, Tim is responsible for leading a team of talented resources who are dedicated to creating new products while ensuring that the data required to support them is accurate and up-to-date. He also oversees the maintenance and enhancement of existing products, which requires him to collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to deliver quality outcomes.
Tim has an extensive background in product development, having previously held roles as a Project Engineer and the Director of New Product Development at KI. His wealth of experience has enabled him to streamline the product development process and achieve impressive results.
Beyond his contributions to KI, Tim is actively involved in the community as the Regional Director for Green Bay Area Destination Imagination. This competitive program challenges school-aged children to use teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving to find solutions to challenges. Additionally, Tim serves as a founding board member of a local youth-focused Maker Space, further demonstrating his commitment to fostering innovation and creativity in young people.
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